słownik angielsko - angielski

English - English

at po angielsku:

1. bad bad

Is it bad?
Why has Japan let pollution get so bad?
The bananas you brought to me last night were all bad.
His old company gave him the shaft. But I admire the way he turned bad luck into good and did even better with his own business.
If we hang tight, I'm sure we can make it through these bad times.
From personal experience, I know that any encounter with him will leave a bad taste in your mouth.
This increase in the number of unemployed people is a result of the bad economy.
I can make a distinction between good and bad.
It's not right for you to do something bad just because someone else has done something bad.
According to the old man I met yesterday, cockroaches can be eaten and don't taste all that bad.
What happened in Vietnam was like a bad dream.
I think his method of teaching has good points and bad points.
It wasn't my lucky day. First, I got a parking ticket and then things went from bad to worse when I got pulled over for making a U-turn.
Any play opening to bad reviews won't last long.
Hey, has this been sitting out on the dinner table all day? It has to go in the refrigerator or it'll go bad.

Angielskie słowo "at" (bad) występuje w zestawach:

verbs/adjectives, nouns with propositions B
Adjectiv/ noun + preposition
Prepositions for Ewa

2. good good

Good for you.
It's a good idea to study the language and culture of the country you're going to visit.
This is a sentence, that has the syllable count, of a good haiku.
Good morning. You're a bit late today, aren't you? "Yes, I ran into a bit of trouble."
A wide leather belt would look good with that dress.
The transfer student in the other class is a super good looking guy.
It's a good idea, to be sure, but it's hard to put it into practice.
The good harvest brought down the price of rice.
We had a good many anxious moments, but everything turned out all right in the end.
The true secret of writing a good letter is to write as if you were talking.
Generally speaking, a waiter in Japan gives good service.
Some people insist that television does more harm than good.
I hear that studying in the morning is more effective. Studying one hour in the morning is as good as three hours at night.
You can teach good manners to children without resorting to punishment.
His old company gave him the shaft. But I admire the way he turned bad luck into good and did even better with his own business.

Angielskie słowo "at" (good) występuje w zestawach:

zdanie pytające

3. aim aim

My aim is to learn enough English so I don't need to carry a dictionary with me when I travel.
Even when their main aim is to relax, travellers said that they enjoyed seeing the sights.
to aim
Beyond the novel, we come to works whose avowed aim is information.
No one in the village knew that the soldiers were taking aim at their village.
All of these sports and many others are dominated by the human urge to aim at something.
Granting that the aim is right, how will you carry out the plan?
Companions with the same aim, to carve out their own future, cooperate with each other.
They're some developers who aim to make a fast buck!
Our aim is that, when planning classes, we know how to select stimulating material for the students and how to put it into use.
They aimed to create products that were simple in design and could be easily mass produced. Some Bauhaus designers even tried to create an 'International Style', which would be suitable for all countries, cultures and traditions.
for/at sth / to do sth / be aimed at doing sth. - Aimed at higher efficiency or income
The government is aiming for 100% employment.
Sally hopes to get good marks because she’s aiming to go to university.

Angielskie słowo "at" (aim) występuje w zestawach:

verbs/adjectives, nouns with propositions A

4. hopeless hopeless

I'm hopeless at ironing so I buy permanent press clothes.
By the way, my English is absolutely hopeless.
You had better not take such a hopeless view of life.
You are hopeless.
He said it was hopeless to continue the struggle.
My driving skills are hopeless. I failed driving test 7 times.
He knew his situation was hopeless, but he didn't give up
She was depressed and felt totally hopeless about the future
Your division was highly praised for fighting well in the midst of a hopeless conflict.
My dad's estranged. (Because my mum's hopeless).
I’m hopeless at sports. A hopeless situation.
The wrestler felt he was in a hopeless situation when he saw how big his opponent was.
British people are usually hopeless at complaining.
This is hopeless. We'll never get there on time.
Most of the students are making good progress, but Michael is a hopeless case.

Angielskie słowo "at" (hopeless) występuje w zestawach:

verbs/adjectives, nouns with propositions G, H, Q

5. brilliant brilliant

Our child seems to be brilliant. Of course, we may be prejudiced.
American industry makes various attempts to find and encourage brilliant students from abroad.
Brilliant papers by Comrade Stalin allowed Soviet linguistics to take the leading position in the world.
It is because light travels faster than sound that some people look brilliant before sounding stupid.
The army was involved in a number of brilliant actions during the battle.
Brilliant people have one major drawback - they don't know how to lose.
Russell was a brilliant philosopher, but even the simplest practical task was quite beyond him.
No other student in the class is so brilliant as he is.
The idea was quite brilliant. She's got a brilliant sense of humour.
It’s thrilling and brilliant and useful most of the time, but it’s not a right to be able to use it.
I can’t ride a horse, but my sister is brilliant at riding.
He was brilliant, even as a boy. / But that was before I had a brilliant plan.
Mr President, I congratulate you on your brilliant response to China.
Smiling cheerfully, the two began to walk off into their brilliant future.

6. glance glance

A mere glance is not enough for us to tell one from the other.
When Tobita gives a plan his seal of approval, the client accepts it at first glance.
Don't worry. He may look intimidating at first glance, but he's actually a very friendly person.
he glanced at me
This, appearing at first glance to be perfectly obvious, is actually very difficult.
A glance at Chart 2 will reveal that some of these trade cycles are very short-lived.
However, I can't help noticing, at this moment, that at first glance it seems inevitable that the shark will devour the man.
Millions of people understand Interlingua within a single glance.
Women who, at first glance, appear to be completely ordinary also don't seem to be in that much of a rush to get married.
There's more to her than you think. She may seem pretty meek on first glance, but I get the sense she can get things done when she needs to.
Well... sighed Dima, then turned to the shopkeeper and cast her a murderous glance. "I guess I have no choice now..."
She glanced at her watch. / He glanced around the room. / I glanced up quickly to see who had come in.
She took a glance at her notes and continued. She gave me a glance and smiled. She only glanced at the paper.
Gina glanced over her shoulder quickly to see if the man was still following her.
He glanced up from his book as I passed.

7. guess guess

Malicious gossip spreads like wildfire. I guess that's why they say bad news travels fast.
Let me guess
I was really nervous to see how they dealt with each other just now. I guess things were touch-and-go between them.
We got an unexpected present from him. I guess he felt a little obligated after what we did for him.
My insurance coverage is too limited, so I guess I'll just have to live with my arm bones jutting out of my skin.
Guess what the managing director started off the meeting by saying. The first thing out of his mouth was an announcement of some major restructuring.
With his colored clothes, his long wig and his white gloves, one could guess he has run away from some kind of Disneyland.
Well... sighed Dima, then turned to the shopkeeper and cast her a murderous glance. "I guess I have no choice now..."
This is a copy of a photo of a painting. I guess that makes it a third level simulacrum.
I guess my view on friendship is pretty bleak because I've never really had to rely on anyone for anything.
The more I study for an exam, the worse I do! I guess correlation does not imply causation.
The only thing we can ask of others, is not to guess at how lame we are.
What does U.F.O. stand for? "It means Unidentified Flying Object, I guess."
judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time). a woman shaking a present to guess what's in it
3x2=5. | It's a guess. I never said it was an educated guess. | an estimate based on little or no information.

8. night night

Good night.
Well, the night is quite long, isn't it?
I hear that studying in the morning is more effective. Studying one hour in the morning is as good as three hours at night.
I remember the night when I first saw the Milky Way.
I've had a lot on my mind recently and have had trouble falling asleep at night.
One thing you should know about me is that I play poker every Friday night.
If you work day and night, you will lose your health.
At the party the other night, my brother drank a bit too much and passed out.
I sat up last night until two o'clock watching the Olympic Games on TV.
Isn't it true that you visited her on the night in question?
Last night my daughter didn't come home until half past one.
She's signed up for a couple of night classes at the local college.
Night coming on, we left for home.
There had never been any ill-feeling between them until that night.
Last night, his grandfather passed away in the hospital.

Angielskie słowo "at" (night) występuje w zestawach:

IN / ON / AT
in, on, at Wojtek

9. arrive arrive

Before the firemen were able to arrive, both buildings burned down.
If you arrive home before me, please feel free to have a few drinks and relax.
The handyman was supposed to arrive at twelve noon, but got stuck in a traffic jam for a few hours.
Since there are usually multiple websites on any given topic, I usually just click the back button when I arrive on any webpage that has pop-up advertising. I just go to the next page found by Google and hope for something less irritating.
If you are to arrive there before noon, you must start early in the morning.
If he should arrive late, you may start the conference without him.
Arrive home.
This train left Aomori thirty minutes late, so we won't arrive at Tokyo before noon, I'm afraid.
When foreign citizens land in Japan, they must apply for landing permission at the air or seaports where they arrive.
Thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency food does not arrive there within a few days.
I didn't arrive in Harbin until very late, and the queue for taxis was already extremely long.
He held off the attackers long enough for reinforcements to arrive.
Human beings usually have two basic desires: to get away from pain and to arrive at pleasure.
She had only just arrived in London or His plane arrived at 5 a.m.
When he first arrived in New York, he didn't speak a word of English.

10. smile smile

A smile may convey understanding, joy, or an appreciation of humor.
Russians never smile.
He loves her hair, her smile, her eyes? Wow, he is fucking good at telling lies!
Our smile, which is understandable in the context of Japanese culture, sometimes causes a lot of confusion and is notorious among foreign people as a mysterious smile.
I'm not angry. Look, see this smiling face? "That's what they call a forced smile!"
You could tell by the ear-to-ear grin that came to his face that he really had something to smile about.
She said good-bye with a smile, but there was a good deal of bitterness in her heart.
I guess Ichiko is a fellow rule-breaker, she's sending me a smile filled with affection for a comrade.
I have one final piece of advice related to handshakes: Remember to smile.
The first time I went to Russia I smiled at everyone and translated every please and thank you into Russian.
I believe that one should pay taxes with a smile. I tried it, but they wanted money.
Being able to smile while in great distress is not duck soup for a passionate individual.
It is often pointed out that a vague smile is typical of the Japanese.
I would swim through the ocean just to see your smile again.
You're never fully dressed, until you put up a smile.

11. quick quick

Come quick!
He does not care for any sport involving team work or quick responses to other players.
Anxious for a quick decision, the chairman called for a vote.
I bought the really quick popcorn machine as a Christmas present.
If there are past exam questions then I think it would be best to give them a quick look over.
He's a good kid - very quick on the uptake and he does whatever needs to be done.
She's quick on her feet, so no matter what you say to her, she'll have a witty comeback.
Quick, let's get started on the project proposal while the idea is still fresh in our minds. There's no time like the present.
I'll try giving the book "Reiko's Recommended" a quick skim read on the spot.
After a quick breakfast of toast and coffee I got on the train and was on my way.
Diet pills aren't a quick fix for losing weight. You have to eat healthier and exercise too.
Maybe I should add some sentences without translations too. It's a very quick way to improve the rating of your language.
She lifted one corner of the napkin which covered her basket and let me have a quick look.
In the principles of love, quick disappointments are usually described as remedies.

12. laugh laugh

Don't laugh.
It's a lot of fun making people laugh while giving a speech.
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.
This is your responsibility. It's not the kind of thing you can laugh off.
You may think you are clever, but you cannot laugh at me because of that.
The young man who has not wept is a savage, and the old man who will not laugh is a fool.
No matter where you live, you would find it difficult not to laugh at, say, Charlie Chaplin's early films.
My companions were watching me in silence and, unlike other times when my wonder had made them laugh, they remained serious.
What made the comedian's audience laugh so uncontrollably that night was a convenient nitrous oxide leak.
In the same way, a Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears.
Anyone in need of a good laugh should read the Simple English version of the Wikipedia article on brackets.
Laugh as much as you like; I'll stick to my plan to the bitter end.
That which the Russians can only laugh at, the Europeans can take seriously.
To hear her laugh, you'd take her for a young girl.
The film made us laugh, but it was not really exciting to watch.

Angielskie słowo "at" (laugh) występuje w zestawach:

prepositions sritions

13. shout

shout at
That man was standing a little ways away, but he turned when he heard Tom shout.
He ordered the boys not to shout in the classroom.
Don't shout at the crying child. It only adds fuel to the fire.
I used to shout but you couldn't hear me sometimes.
The woman tried to shout out "Help!" but the word stuck in her throat.
As they walk up and down the rows they shout, "Get your hot dogs here! Get your hot dogs!"
If you shout from the top of a cliff, you can hear the echo of your voice.
There's no need to shout, I can here you....... I wish you'd stop shouting at the children........ "He's down here!" she shouted to Allison........ Don't shout in a class.
They were interrupted by the shout from pavement artist
I would shout ‘down’ at it several times.
We heard a loud shout of happiness when the graduation ceremony ended.
It's always so quiet, there are no noisy children screaming and shouting.
If I was left alone on the elevator at four in the morning, I'd shout to attract the neighbors' attention.

14. hint

When I didn't know how to answer the question, he gave me a hint.
These hints were misleading.
The magazine had the usual hints on fashion and cookery.
I can’t figure out the correct answer. Give me a hint.
He managed to avoid damaging my reputation by dropping a hint.
Noobs? Dima asked, a slight hint of anger in his voice. "This isn't a video game, Al-Sayib! This is real life!"
The number of *****s in the hint has no relation to the number of characters in the word.
The girl, her eyes shining brightly from that single hint, makes her cute cat-motif automatic pencil run across her notebook.
You should take this hint into your consideration.
He took a slight hint as the start and found the correct answer.
The magazine gives lots of useful hints on how to save money. He dropped (= made) several hints that he wanted an MP3 player for his birthday.
Are you trying to hint towards something?
There has been no hint of the public concern that there has been surrounding GMOs, for example.
The hint of a rare, wide smile touched her mouth. It was merest hint, but it was there.

15. the weekend

What do you do at the weekend?

16. look

You look stupid.
That suit has an expensive look.
The more you look, the more you will see, and the more interesting they will become.
We've searched everywhere. There's nowhere else to look.
Sometimes, if I look at a forest of trees, I get in a trance and don't even realize until minutes later.
Though Tom and Mary are twins, they don't look very similar.
Look carefully. I'm going to show you how it's done.
The administration cannot but look for alternative sources of revenue.
I think that girl cut her hair to give herself a new look.
I look for all the world like an athlete in this outfit, but the truth is I don't do any sports at all.
The flowers don't look well. I'd like to water them. Is there a watering can?
They say that girls spend more time worrying about how they look than boys do.
There was something about that house that made her stop and look again.
It's hard to tell Englishmen from Americans just by the way they look.
I like her sense of style. Her clothes and makeup always look good.

Angielskie słowo "at" (look) występuje w zestawach:

Presentations 1 getting started